Friday August 4, 2017 Together

“Where two or three are gathered together in My name, there am I in the midst of them”.  Matthew 18:20

I have learned the power of prayer.  By uniting in group prayer over a problem, an issue or a blessing moves that situation forward in powerful ways.  I have prayed with one other person and have been on prayer calls with thousands of others who were all focused on reaching out together to intervene for a child with cancer!  Each has a uniting force of the Holy Spirit because of this promise by Jesus to be there in the midst of them.  No one can withstand the trials and hardships of this world without prayer.  Knowing that God will be a part of that intercessory or praise moment enhances it.  I know I can count on this promise to be true!

Together united for a moment in time with another also builds strength because no one can go it alone.  A single thread is easily broken but a twine of three: me, you and God is impossible to break.  I have prayed in grocery stores, restaurants and even in a restroom.  I no longer say, I will pray for you when someone tells me their heart is breaking, I say let’s pray right NOW!  I open up the lines of communication by asking if we can pray right now.  Life presents opportunities and if we do not seize them, they are gone.  There is nothing wrong with individual prayer but TOGETHER lives change.

I wonder how many times, I have missed praying with someone?  Those moments are gone forever.  There are many times, I needed someone to pray with me but didn’t feel comfortable to ask.  Now I guess because of my age, I feel led to do so… if someone is not at ease with the idea, it is okay.  I pray for them anyway!  God hears my voice but when two or more pray together… HE is there!  What a gift to the person who is hurting and to me.

Lord, help me always to have the courage to pray and to ask You to close the circle that is formed when two or three are gathered in YOUR name.  Let my humble requests be heard and open the heart of the person who is hurting to welcome You into our circle of love. 

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