Thursday August 3, 2017 Do the Math

Bless the Lord, O my soul, and all that is within me, bless His holy name.  Bless the Lord, O my soul, and do not forget all His benefits.  Psalm 103:1-2

There are many talking about gratitude and encouraging people to focus on the things in their life that they are grateful for helps to offset worry and anger.  It proven that it is impossible to be grateful and negative at the same time.  One Christian song says there are 10,000 reasons to be grateful.  Me of course being a numbers gal decided to do the math.  There have been many days of severe sadness and depression in my life and I can remember them vividly and count them up, my list totaled 54.  Now I multiplied the days of my life 365 times 66 = 24,090 so even if I didn’t remember all the terrible days… I still had over 24,000 days of joy.  Where I was able to get out of bed and look forward to interactions with the people I love, hold my newborn children and grandchildren, do satisfying work, have opportunities to serve causes that I am passionate about and do exciting new things like travel, see amazing sights like a rose bud, a sunset and a gorilla.

God gives me a life that is humble but overflowing with opportunity to soar to new heights.  His benefits are blessings of people who love me, manageable health, a cozy home and the ability to recognize how blessed I am.  So many do not have any of these.  I am so lucky.

God has not asked much in return for all His gifts.  His payment is to gratefully acknowledge and love Him.  How generous He is to me.  If I can just count my blessings instead of complaining, I will make my own life joyful and bring a smile to my Father’s face.  I heard often while I was growing up that the Lord loves a cheerful giver.   When I give Him thanks for all that He has given to me…  I know it delights Him.

Lord, help me to see each day of my life as a blessing.  Help me live a life of gratitude for all that You have bestowed on me.  For even on my worst days, You were there supplying my needs and helping me to get through to the other side.  I am eternally thankful and look forward to serving You always.   

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