Monday August 3, 2015 Paying Attention

Lying at his door was a poor man named Lazarus, covered with sores, who would gladly have eaten his fill of the scraps that fell from the rich man’s table. Dogs even used to come and lick his sores. Luke 16:20-21

I love to read Luke’s Gospel. He conveys rich detail and features many stories that are not found in the other renditions of Jesus life. I am sure because he was a doctor and a Greek he adds more detail which again is why I am drawn to his writing. In these two verses his rich description reveals so much about the author and the man, Jesus. Luke paints a very vivid picture of the downtrodden beggar, Lazarus. Revealing a name of this poor soul is revelatory as well.

Christ came to connect with everyone. He reached to out to the lowest fisherman and tax collectors, took pity on widows and lepers, established His kingdom among the poor and forgotten. Luke shares this Jesus with me and invites me to get to know the man, not the legend. People make judgements about movie stars or sports figures because of their stage presence… which is really only the role they have chosen to play. Jesus got into the trenches and spoke directly with those who came to him. He looked into their eyes and asked poignant questions. “What do you want me to do for you?” was His frequent query.

Luke invites me to notice who God puts in my path. He challenges me to make a difference in situations where my wisdom or talents or stuff can make an impact. There is no lukewarm with Jesus. He asks me to be ALL IN! I cannot go through life with blinders on. I cannot be like the rich man who passed by Lazarus each day and did nothing to change his life… Jesus expects me to open my heart and my mind, take action with the tools that I have at my disposal.

Lord I ask You to open my eyes! Help me to pay attention and see the ways I can serve each day. Help me be like Luke and never miss the details of life that need me to take action. Reveal my Lazarus who requires what I have to grow strong and thrive.

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