Monday May 12, 2014 Gifted

It is by grace you have been saved, through faith; and this not from yourselves, it is a gift of God.  Ephesians 2:8

I recently had a birthday, and received a card from a friend who had died earlier this year.  We both use a system to send cards and she must have set up a delivery schedule for the year.  It was quite a moving experience to receive something from the grave. It is also uncanny when I look at my children and grandchildren and see traits and mannerisms that are so my mother or me, it makes me think about the unique and continuous gift that God continues to pour out through His Spirit.  Jesus died and rose to free me from sin and returned to the Father so He could send the Spirit to be with me even 2000 years later.

I stop and realize that my faith is the greatest gift I have ever received.  I am humbled and grateful that God even notices me, let alone makes me part of His family.  When I am remembered and cherished, as a mother, wife, friend or even as an employee, my self-esteem increases.  When God holds me as a treasured daughter, when Jesus loves me as a Sister, I know that my life has meaning beyond what I can do or what I have.  This gift blesses me and encourages me to dwell forever in the House of the Lord.

Thank you Lord for the Gift of Faith and Your incredible Love.  You are my hope and my salvation. 

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