Friday May 9, 2014 Moms

Don’t just pretend to love others.  Really love them.  Romans 12:9

I thought this was a perfect verse to reflect upon going into Mother’s Day weekend.  No one epitomizes this verse more than a mom.  Children can act loathsomely at times but they are still loved by their mothers.  I can say honestly, I did not always like my daughters when they were acting hurtfully to me or each other but I always loved them.  I have seen interviews of mothers of death row inmates and they love their child in spite of the heinous crimes that each committed.  It is so comforting to know that unqualified love because each of us needs to realize that in spite of it all… there is a safe place to be.

God has promised me that safe and welcoming place in spite of my sinfulness.  It is so reassuring to be able to admit my failures and ask for forgiveness and be confident that God always loves me.  I have a hard time loving people who hurt me or others.  I pray for strength in this area.  I want to be able to give an unreserved love to everyone but I stumble often.  If there was an Olympics for loving, I would not make the first cut.  I know that God will continue to teach me in this part of my psyche to be more patient, to be more accepting, to always try to walk a mile in the shoes of those I would criticize.  God is watching and cheering me on when I smile instead of frown… when I build up rather than tear down… when I give a hand up.

Lord help me to sincerely love as a mother loves her child… with acceptance and encouragement; with patience and kindness for YOU are in person and when I love them, I love YOU! 

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